How to become a professional Writing and development

*📢 Important Announcement:*

Hey everyone,

A big congratulations to our newest members who performed exceptionally well in their interviews and are now part of our community!

Tomorrow, on May 8, marks the final round of the Techive Interviews for students who haven't had their interview yet, so make sure you're there on time.

*If you haven't filled out the form yet, please do so before May 8. We'd love to get to know you better before your interview!*

🔗Forum Link:

🔗Community Link:

And hey, if you know anyone who's interested in joining our community to boost their skills and personality, feel free to share the form with them!

*🗓️Date: May 8(Wenesday)*
*⏱️Time: 12:30 PM*
*📍Location: Room 6*

Punctuality is key, so see you there!