Best Neurologist In Patna | Dr Chandril Chugh

In this global pandemic, everyone is already going through a lot. People already had enough health problems, and this COVID-19 just added more to the list. It is known to all of us that the situation is getting worse each day, and people are falling sick and are just not getting the proper treatment. We can’t blame anyone, as the hospitals are already filled with covid patients, and now even they are not getting the proper facilities and beds. Things are really getting out of hand and we can say that the sole focus of all the doctors and hospitals is on the covid patients and that is completely justified. But, now when we think about it, that can cause a problem to the people who are not affected by covid. You wonder why? Think about it, where will those patients go who are combating diseases other than corona? Like a person suffering from cardiovascular diseases, or neurological ones, or even something like an ulcer?